Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease - Health Channel


Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease |

Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease, Health Channel

Leg and foot wounds that are slow to heal; unexplained leg pain or cramping, especially during exercise or walking; and skin problems or discoloration on your legs and feet, poor nail growth are some of the symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease.

Dr. Bernie Fernandez, Chief Executive Officer of Baptist Health Medical Group, says if you have a wound or an ulcer in the foot that is taking a long time to heal, you wonder if it could be from repeated trauma or decreasing of circulation, which helps to aid in the healing of the wounds. He also points out you can have no symptoms and still suffering from PAD.


Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease, Health Channel

We’re gonna put a graphic up for you so you can see a three circles and the doctors could explain them so maybe you’ll understand what’s going on so doctor let’s take it from obviously top to bottom sure some of the symptoms that the patients may have obviously the first part of the graphic illustrates a leg and foot wounds that are slow to heal if you have a wound or an ulcer and your foot taking a long time to heal you you wonder if it could be from repeated trauma or just decreasing your circulation which helps to aid in the healing of those wounds again we talked a little earlier in the introduction or the show the unexplained leg pain or the cramping during exercise for walking not a rest it depends again on your type of lifestyle so we need to talk about that later on yes and the third one as one of our callers was concerned with you know skin discomfort or skin issues discoloration etc ulcerations you’ve got out that could be another symptom I’m sure it’s rare but can you have no symptoms VAD oh absolutely really absolutely remember we have become a society that’s a lot more mobile in our cars so another piece that we as humans don’t enjoy is experiencing discomfort so if we walk and we get discomfort what do we do we shall weigh from that we stop we don’t want to experience it so sedentary lifestyle as you we tell me earlier on it’s been described as something the sitting is the new smoking the sitting is it is absolutely awful so we become more sedentary we have a lot more places that we have to get out of our car that we don’t that we now we go through a drive-thru we don’t we don’t exercise on a regular on a regular way so for all those reasons you may not have any symptoms mm-hmm so if you have a sedentary lifestyle you may not have any symptoms or you’re avoiding it because the symptoms are incontinent you

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