Do Baby Boomers have a higher risk of Hepatitis C?
Americans born between 1945 and 1965 are popularly referred to as “baby boomers”. This population of people, now in their 50’s and 60’s, were part of an explosion of babies born following World War II. Recently, the US Preventive Services …
When do I really need antibiotics?
Most people know that antibiotics are used to fight infections. Millions of lives have been saved by their ability to combat bacterial infections. Many people are unaware, however, that antibiotics are not effective for all types of infections, specifically those …
Are vaccines safe?
There has recently been a serious outbreak of measles, with over 100 confirmed cases across 10 states. I thought we should talk about the importance of having your children, and yourself, vaccinated for measles along with other infectious diseases.
Measles …