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Tag Archives: Diabetes

Risk Factors of P.A.D.

Risk Factors of P.A.D.

P.A.D. (Peripheral Arterial Disease) is caused by many factors. Some of them are diabetes, smoking history, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and known atherosclerosis in another vascular bed.

Age is a key factor, being 50-65 with at least one risk …

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Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Is type 2 diabetes preventable? Jennifer Miles Nyugen, Specialty Pharmacist Clinical Coordinator with Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute and Baptist Health Primary Care, explains how this broad spectrum of conditions is impacting different areas of the body.…

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Sugar and Health

Sugar and Health

Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care, says a lot of excess sugar in the diet leads to an increase in obesity and its complications.

She explains excess sugar and diabetes are considered a cardiovascular risk …

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Diagnosing Diabetes

Diagnosing Diabetes

With a graphic, Lois Exelbert, Nurse Diabetes Educator and Patient Care Manager with Baptist Hospital, explains the tests which are used to diagnosis diabetes.
The expert explains the test called A1C measures the average of what blood sugar there has …

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