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Tag Archives: Diabetes

Diagnosing Diabetes

Diagnosing Diabetes

Dr. Pascual De Santis, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida, mentions the guidelines of American Diabetes Association to diagnose diabetes.

“It’s basically a fasting sugar or glucose, blood glucose, of 126 and above, hemoglobin a1c of 6.5 and above (the …

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Consequences of Diabetes

Consequences of Diabetes

Dr. Bernie Fernandez, Chief Executive Officer of Baptist Health Medical Group, says diabetes affects the brain, the heart, the intestines, many other organs, and particularly circulation.

He also explains, for example, a common complication of patients on dialysis is stemming …

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Insulin Resistance: Signs

Insulin Resistance: Signs

Craving sugar, hot flashes, inability to lose weight, swings in energy, fatigue, memory loss, and heart disease are some signs of insulin resistance.

Dr. Ivette Espinosa-Fernandez, Pediatric Emergency Physician with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains as a lot of people …

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Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and weakness are signs and symptoms of diabetes, Jennifer Miles Nyugen, Specialty Pharmacist Clinical Coordinator with Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute and Baptist Health Primary Care, talks about all of them and more and explains how …

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