Is it dangerous to exercise extreme heat?
This summer has seen record breaking heat, particularly in the northeast part of the U.S. Based on news reports, this summer may set a record for heat-related illness and deaths also. Heat-related illnesses (e.g., heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, …
How do I keep my New Year’s resolutions?
Lose 5 pounds this year? Spend more time with your family? Find a new job? Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, but relatively few are successful in keeping them. This is evidenced by a 2007 study conducted by British …
Which is better for you: Bottled or Tap water?
Surveys have found that the primary reasons people choose bottled water over tap water are: 1) the belief that bottled water is healthier, 2) that bottled water tastes better, and 3) that bottled water offers convenience. Which one is better …
Do we really need to drink so much water?
“Water is the driving force in nature.”
–Leonardo da Vinci
- Helping to regulate body temperature through sweating
- Assisting in flushing waste
How much water should I be drinking?
Whether spring-sourced, sparkling, flavored, or simply out of the tap, water seems to have become the beverage de rigueur these days. And for good reason—water constitutes about 60% of our body weight and is essential for most bodily functions. Taking …
How do I know if I am drinking enough water?
The body is made up of about 60% water, and daily intake is obviously vital for survival. You have probably heard that you need to drink 8 glasses of water per day, at a minimum. This is a general guideline …