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Tag Archives: Emergency Room

Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care

Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care

Emergency room is usually attached to a hospital. Urgent care is a standalone facility and it usually has different capabilities, explains Phillip DePaola, Physician Assistant with Miami Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute.
Urgent cares do x-Ray, diagnostic studies, evaluate and …

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Signs of an Emergency

Signs of an Emergency

There are several signs of emergency when injury happens such as: a joint or bone that is clearly broken or dislocated, inability to support any weight on affected area, extreme pain that is progressively getting worse, paralysis, tingling or numbness, …

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Gallbladder Disease & ER

Gallbladder Disease & ER

About one in five patients who were sent to the ER with gallbladder pain returned to the ER needing emergency gallbladder removal. Dr. Michael Gonzalez Ramos, General Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about this situation, and what doctors …

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Free-Standing Emergency Room

Free-Standing Emergency Room

The free-standing emergency departments are physically separated from hospitals, can evaluate and stabilize any patient, have advanced diagnostic and lab facilities, and they may be closer than a hospital E.R.

Dr. Jose Llach, Medical Director of Free Standing Emergency Department …

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