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How Pneumonia Looks Like?

How Pneumonia Looks Like?

With a digital imaging, Dr. Michelle Brewster, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how the pneumonia infection occurs in lungs.

Dr. Carol Barrocas, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, also explains how the alveoli look …

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Causes of Pneumonia

Causes of Pneumonia

With a digital imaging, Stacey Baker, Infectious Disease Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains what is happening when a patient has pneumonia.
Pneumonia happens when people get inflammation along the lung and mucus can form in their airways. Mucus …

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Diagnosis of Pneumonia

Diagnosis of Pneumonia

Physical exam, chest X-ray, blood tests and sputum test are the exams for diagnosing pneumonia, explains Stacey Baker, Infectious Disease Phvysician with Baptist Health South Florida.
She says a good history of patients is also important for finding out what …

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