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Tag Archives: Skin

Skin Aging: Risk Factors

Skin Aging: Risk Factors

Sun exposure, smoking, stress, genetics, early or surgical menopause, and consuming sodas and processed foods are some factors that contribute to skin aging.

Dr. Judith Crowell, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says nutrition plays a big role, but 80% …

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Genetic Skin Conditions

Genetic Skin Conditions

Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains doctors find melanomas in areas that the sun has never seen, because it is genetic, and you can be predisposed usually on the mother’s side.

She points out you need …

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Signs and Symptoms of MRSA

Signs and Symptoms of MRSA

Redness, swollen and painful, warm to touch and pus or other drainage are the signs and symptoms of MRSA.

Dr. Ketevan Vladi, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms people who are immunocompromised, have an underlining diseases (diabetes, …

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