Stroke - Health Channel

Tag Archives: Stroke

The Time after a Stroke

The Time after a Stroke

“The technology and medication are in constant development,” said Neurologist Felipe de los Rios about what’s next after a stroke. “The idea is offering the medication to more people faster and safer. We also look to protect the brain,” he …

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Stroke Treatment Team

Stroke Treatment Team

Stroke treatment team is formed by: a doctor trained in brain conditions, a rehabilitation doctor, nurse, dietitian, physical therapist, occupational therapist, recreational therapist, speech pathologist, social worker, case manager and psychologist or psychiatrist.
The team evaluates the patient, determine the …

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Women and Stroke Symptoms

Women and Stroke Symptoms

Besides of the typical stroke symptoms, Dr. Ana Viamonte-Ros, Medical Director of Palliative Care & Bioethics with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms women can have other symptoms like loss of consciousness or even fainting, respiratory complaints, falls, pain, seizures and …

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Stroke and Mini Stroke

Stroke and Mini Stroke

Rosemarie Schwitzer, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains a mini stroke or transient ischemic attack is when a cholesterol plaque or a blood clot is causing symptoms.

She says the symptoms last less than 24 hours, …

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Brain Health: Strokes

Brain Health: Strokes

Rosemarie Schwitzer, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says there are two different types of strokes: ischemic stroke is the most common and it happens when there is a blocked blood vessel, because of a blood clot …

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