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Tag Archives: Stroke

The Effects of a Stroke

The Effects of a Stroke

With a digital imaging, Dr. Italo Linfante, Medical Director of Interventional Neuroradiology & Endovascular Neurosurgery with Baptist Health Neuroscience Center, explains how a stroke occurs.

One more time, the specialist says acting quickly is the most important thing in order …

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Anatomy of a Stroke

Anatomy of a Stroke

Gabriela M. Ortega, Supervisor for Acute Rehabilitation at West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains a clot that prevents blood from being delivered to the brain causes a stroke, and the brain depends on its arteries to deliver oxygen and nutrients to …

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Types of Post-Stroke Pain

Types of Post-Stroke Pain

The pain you can experience after a stroke is generally categorized in two types: local or central. Dr. Lucinda Adriana Arenas, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains its meaning, and talks about the spasticity type …

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Physical Medicine & Strokes

Physical Medicine & Strokes

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a medical specialty dedicated to care and through disability, after injury or disease, which involves bones, muscles and nervous system, meaning brain and spine, explains Dr. Lucinda Adriana Arenas, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician with …

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