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Tag Archives: Teen Health

Teenagers and Self-harm

Teenagers and Self-harm

There are some signs to make sure if teens are hurting themselves. Amy Exum, Psychotherapist at Baptist Health Care & Counseling, says running always and rapid change in moods may be engaging in some high-risk behaviors like substance use.

“They …

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Teenagers: Weight Factors

Teenagers: Weight Factors

Diet, physical activity, whether they use food to respond to stress, physiologic and genetic make-up, age, and health status are some of the factors that affect teenagers’ weight.

Terry Ochoa, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, says age is …

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Teens and Therapists

Teens and Therapists

Creating a good relationship between the therapist and the teenager is necessary to understand a possible teen depression and how to help overcome it.

Finding what’s going on is possible when the therapist asks parents and teens in order to …

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Teen Depression

Teen Depression

Teenagers are more susceptible to irritability, which can be associated with depression and bad mood. As a result, they tend to be isolated, are not communicative and have long periods of sadness.

Psycotherapist Graciela Jimenez explains the differences between irritability, …

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