The 5 Minute Nose Job - Health Channel


The 5 Minute Nose Job |

The 5 Minute Nose Job, Health Channel

Tanya Patron, Physician Assistant with Miami Plastic Surgery, says the five-minute nose job is a way to enhance the nose or improve its
contour without surgery.

She explains the effect of the injectable procedure depends on the
part of the body in which the doctor uses it. If it is injected in the
nose, the patient can get up for a year, if it is used in lips, it is
sometimes 6 months and in the tear trough, it can last up to two years.


The 5 Minute Nose Job, Health Channel

The five-minute nose job. — haha — I’m passing on this one. I’m not buying this at all okay. Tell us about… what is it… what is this? > So this is one of my specialty that I do at Miami plastic surgery I will give a disclaimer that I work with an amazing facial plastic surgeon his name is dr. Carlos Wolfe and I got to spend numerous hours with him in the operating room as a student and as a PA working for him now. So I have a bit of an extensive background when it comes to the anatomy of the nose so I feel very comfortable injecting them. However that is also becoming more popular so it’s really good to educate your — it is a real thing — Yeah. it’s a way for us to enhance the nose or improve the contour of the nose without surgery. > Wow. I may have to call your office in a couple of minutes, right after… What kind of are we using the same fillers here in any of the Botox and some of… > The product that I like to use for the nose this is just one of my personal favorites because it doesn’t have any major side effects with it would be the rest’ll and refine. I do use this quite a bit and I’m gonna actually show you if I can on camera I have a little sample here that I’m going to squeeze out. So this is what the product looks like when it’s in the syringe and if you see me kind of starting to press here it’ll — tip of the needle — so that is actually the product there and it’s a very sticky, sugary, substance that you can use for a different parts of the face. — It’s glucose? — It’s kind of yeah. Yeah. it’s… it’s a very great substance in the fact that we can use it in multiple areas so I use it in the nose, I use it in the lips, the tear troughs, anywhere that I want to increase volume or change the shape of the face. > How long does it last? > Depends on the body part where you’re injecting. If I use it in the nose I can get it up to a year, if I’m using it in the lips sometimes six months, if I’m using it in the tear trough sometimes that can even last up to two years. > How many visits? > Usually most things are done in one visit if we’re talking specifically about the non-surgical rhinoplasty or the five-minute nose job I usually have patients come back to do what I call a touch-up after about two or three weeks just so I can make sure everything is built up in a very safe and effective manner.

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