The Chemistry of Biology: Lipids - Health Channel


The Chemistry of Biology: Lipids |

The Chemistry of Biology: Lipids, Health Channel

Lipids are the medical term for basically fats, explains Dr. Jonathan Fialkow, Deputy Chief of Cardiology with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute.
He says relevance of fats (cholesterol and triglycerides) have to do with how they travel in the body, which is not freely in the blood.
The doctor explains lipid profile is a series of blood tests that look at different components of the lipids of fat in people’s body.


The Chemistry of Biology: Lipids, Health Channel

What are your lipids and how important are they in your body so lipids are the the medical term for basically fats and when I talk about fats we’re talking about chemical substances and the reason lipids are relevant as a group is because fats if you think about this are not soluble in water right if thick oil and water they separate right so the fats in our body which we’ll talk about which are triglycerides and cholesterol travel within the blood which is mostly water so they don’t travel easily they travel in a different mechanism but that’s why they’re isolated as a separate component of our body and our metabolism the lipids which are the fatty the fatty compounds within our body now so when we get our levels tested we usually see numbers for HDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol and triglyceride so what are the what is it difference between these three so again the relevance of fats which are specifically cholesterol and triglycerides have to do with how they travel in the body which is not freely in the blood when we’re checking a lipid profile it’s the different components of the fats in your body and what the levels are within your blood so they are related to each other though they’re not exactly the same thing and I’m talking about cholesterol and triglycerides but how they travel in what kind of particles they travel which we’ll explain in a second those are the relevant factors as a physician when we’re looking and saying are these impacting your risk for cardiovascular disease are these things that require intervention for change which can be again lifestyle medications where it is but the lipid profile is a series of it’s a blood test that looks at different components of the lipids or fats in your body you

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