The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer - Health Channel


The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer |

The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer, Health Channel

The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer

A patient’s attitude is critical in any illness diagnosis, says Dr. Omar Llaguna, Oncologic Surgeon with Miami Cancer Institute. He explains that doctors are part of the journey to impart knowledge about the disease. They provide reasonable and realistic understanding of what the challenge ahead is, he compares a cancer journey to training for an marathon. 

Everything doctors do along the way will slowly beat you up; the surgery, the chemo, the radiation. Though most importantly, you have got to keep your eye on the prize. The prize is that you’ll be around, live longer, be cancer-free, and go back to your family and the typical things you enjoy. It all comes with sacrifice, and if the patient doesn’t want to do the work, nothing will come of it. 

Dr. Llaguna believes staying in a sport you’re happy with and enjoying it can be beneficial. Being healthy is vital before, during, and after any surgery. Staying in the right mindset is crucial to the entire process. He shares examples of how he and his friends exchange text messages occasionally to remind one another they are still here, and they got through it. 

To hear how Dr. Omar Llaguna helps people stay positive through cancer visit:

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