The Role of Ob-Gyn in Pregnancy - Health Channel


The Role of Ob-Gyn in Pregnancy |

The Role of Ob-Gyn in Pregnancy, Health Channel

Dr. Victoria Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains being an ob-gyn is nice, because they have the ability to follow a patient from just getting their period to all the way through menopause. “You follow them throughout their entire life. They start having children, they move on to grandchildren; it’s really cool, you can become very close with them and they become part of your family, too.”

Dr. Sarah Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, points out at the time of the delivery, it is the most exciting moment of their life and the ob-gyn gets to be there and be part of that.


The Role of Ob-Gyn in Pregnancy, Health Channel

So what would you say is your favorite part of being an OBGYN I actually really like besides the babies because you truly have the ability to follow a patient from when they’re young you know even just just getting their period their first GYN exam all the way through menopause so with that you follow them throughout their entire life right they start having children they then move on to grandchildren and it’s really cool you can become very close with them and they kind of become part of your family too absolutely I’ve almost feels like you you create a lot of that patient-doctor relationship that’s just beyond an office visit yeah and obviously at the time of their delivery this is one of the most if not the most exciting moment of their life and you get to be there and be a part of that every time and I think that that’s really amazing now are you seeing a lot of younger patients in your practice right now I mean what would you say is as most as your your patient base I think yeah younger college age even high school we see a lot of that and definitely a lot of patients looking for birth control I think on an earlier age even if it’s not because they’re sexually active just because they have bothersome periods or something like that and I also feel like patients are often coming in with their mom living as a teenager which I think is great and it used to be this kind of hush-hush private thing let me do this kind of in secret but I find that a lot of teenagers now are very open with their parents and everybody is in agreement and they’re on board with it and yeah and a lot of people our age too who are either want birth control are trying to get pregnant one or the other you.

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