Supporting Caregivers: Compassion in Crisis - Health Channel

Supporting Caregivers: Compassion in Crisis

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


Monday, February 27 at 7:00 PM

Live on the Health Channel, (@AllHealthGo) Facebook and YouTube page, or stream on


Each year, more Americans step up to become caregivers for their loved ones. This growing responsibility is quickly evolving into a nationwide crisis—affecting not only those in need but also the caregivers themselves and their families. Lost income, increased expenses, and the strain on personal well-being are just a few of the challenges they face.
Where does compassion end and crisis begin?
There is hope. And that’s what we’re exploring in Supporting Caregivers: Compassion in Crisis, a Hope & Healing Town Hall.


  • Kitty Lundan — Moderator
  • LaToya Lewis, Ed. D-CI, MSN, RN — Associate Professor, University of Miami School of Nursing & Health Studies
  • Donna Marks, LMHC — Therapist, Palm Beach County
  • Tina Carroll-Scott, M.D. — Medical Director, South Miami Children’s Clinic
  • Andrea Williams — Caregiver Program Manager, VA West Palm Beach
  • Camila Rocha M.S. — President & CEO, EasterSeals South Florida

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