Treating Hyperthyroidism - Health Channel


Treating Hyperthyroidism |

Treating Hyperthyroidism, Health Channel

Dr. Lara Paraskos, Endocrinologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says there are medications that can help to normalize the thyroid levels, and the most commonly prescribed one is called Methimazole, and the other is the PTU, which is used in pregnant women in the first trimester.

She explains once patients have started on medication to normalize the levels, they usually feel better in the first few weeks. She also points out the medication is not something that they keep people on for a long term. Therefore, if the hyperthyroidism improves, they can come off medication. If it does not improve, they can do a definitive treatment, which is radioactive iodine, or, in certain cases, they may need to do surgery to remove the thyroid. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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