Weight Loss: Centripetal Obesity - Health Channel


Weight Loss: Centripetal Obesity |

Weight Loss: Centripetal Obesity, Health Channel

Dr. Ricardo Castrellon, Director of South Miami Hospital’s Burn Center, explains the body will tend to have the preservation of the centripetal obesity and fat patterns into the belly and torso, which makes weight loss more difficult.

He also says centripetal obesity is associated with higher risk factors of cardiac arrest and diabetes. He points out obesity puts people at higher risks for other complications.


Weight Loss: Centripetal Obesity, Health Channel

Now after losing weight you might notice though you will notice more skin and more sagging with body contouring Plastic Surgeons are offering patients a way to maintain their ideal weight and also their image let’s start with the stomach witch doctor we mentioned earlier that is that is the toughest place to lose weight male/female mostly men are always complaining can’t do anything about my stomach so is that the toughest place to lose weight and a story I would probably have to say yes that’s because that’s the area that we move the least we’re just even food gets there so I think definitely that’s probably one of the hardest parts that too to lose weight and at the same time you know your body wants to preserve then all those central reserves that’s what we were designed you know so our body will tend to have the preservation of the centripetal obesity and the fat patterns into the area of the belly in and torso which makes it much more difficult okay then what’s the difference and this is a great question I don’t think people think about very often what’s the difference between fat held here and fat that’s held in other parts of the body well one of the things that happens is once when you’re looking for fat in this so centripetal obesity is usually associated with higher risk factors with a cardiac arrest diabetes and other more comorbidities so having someone who has centripetal obesity usually actually puts them at a higher risk for other complications sometimes people talk about what’s called a metabolic syndrome where you actually have a bigger waistline but I think the most important thing and also in when we’re talking about this it’s it’s not the fact that it’s under your skin it’s the fact that it’s under your abdomen your internal visceral fat so that visceral fat if you have visceral fat that is that is actually gonna be the one that really puts you at a higher risk for all those complications because you can have people who have a big belly but you touch their abdomen and really you just feel that I fill the abdominal wall and pure muscle but the reality is they do have a significant amount of intra-abdominal fat you

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