Women Age Fertility Rate - Health Channel


Women Age Fertility Rate |

Women Age Fertility Rate, Health Channel

In the uterus, women have about 6 to 7 million eggs and when they’re born that number goes down to reach about 2 million. When women are ovulating and having periods, it’s about 200,000 eggs, explains Dr. Alejandra Salazar, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida.
In every cycle multiple eggs mature and women are losing them in every cycle. This causes infertility and the age of them.
Women should see a fertility doctor if they have been trying for a year consistently and cannot get pregnant.


Women Age Fertility Rate, Health Channel

Let’s take a look at fertility chart by age of the mother so what happens to our eggs dr. Salazar as we age that makes it so hard to get pregnant so as I said before we are born with the number of eggs that we’re gonna have for the rest of our lives it’s not like men that produce sperm every couple days or every three days right when we are in utero we have about 6 to 7 million eggs okay when we’re born that number goes down to maybe 2 million okay by the time we start having ovulating and having periods it’s about 200,000 Wow so your eggs are dying every time right and then when you ovulate you don’t only necessarily mature one egg but multiple eggs matures so you’re losing eggs every cycle so that’s what causes the decrease in fertility and also the age of the eggs now does that change depending on the whim on the woman as well it’s pretty standard but yes I some people can have lower ovarian reserve earlier in life and there are such thing as premature ovarian failure that would happen at women in like their 40s so now when should women see a fertility doctor so if you have been trying for a year consistently meaning using ovulation kit using the the temperature stuff and all that I would say a year a year for women who have had children before six months is the color you.

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