Kidney Transplant Surgery
Dr. Christian Suarez, Nephrologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains patients can be candidates for kidney transplant when the kidneys are working less than 20% or the glomerular filtration rate is less than 20%. However, not every patient that has those conditions can be a candidate for kidney transplant, but the doctor affirms most of…...
Read MoreSymptoms of Kidney Stones
There are several symptoms of kidney stones: pain in side and back, pain that radiates to lower abdomen and grain, pain when urinating, pink, red or brown urine, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, nausea and vomiting, urination more than normal and urinating small amounts. Dr. Daniel Martinez, Urologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains in male…...
Read MoreProgression of Chronic Kidney Disease
Dr. Juan Kusnir, Nephrologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains with a digital imaging, how the CKD (Chronic kidney disease) happens. He says the key is the early diagnosis of diabetes or high blood pressure for avoiding the progression of those illnesses. If it doesn’t happen, they’ll start to cause the damage in the kidney.…...
Read MoreSymptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease
Urinating too frequently or not urinating enough, especially in elderly males, are symptoms of issues with the prostate, says Dr. Samantha Taghva, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida. Those are two of the most common symptoms of kidney failure is looming, she says, and is it probably the patient's progress into the CKD…...
Read MoreWho is at Risk of Kidney Disease?
People who have diabetes, blood pressure and obesity will eventually have progression to CKD (Chronic kidney disease). Dr. Samantha Taghva, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, also says they could have a genetic predisposition to CKD. An early diagnostic and having under control any risk condition (diabetes, overweight, blood pressure) can slow progression…...
Read MoreKidney Disease: Treatment
Dialysis is a machine that purifies the blood, explains Dr. Christian Suarez, Nephrologist with Baptist Health South Florida. After the blood is clean, it gets back to the patient. Filters remove extra fluids and extra electrolytes. Dialysis is needed for patients who get the stage 5 of kidney disease. Physicians evaluate the functioning of the…...
Read MoreUrinary Tract Infection and Kidneys
Can an infection of the urinary tract spread to the kidneys? Wilbert Fuerte, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacist and Educator Specialist with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about the types of infections and what happens when the bacteria travels to the kidneys...
Read MoreLearning about Kidney Failure
Dr. Jorge Busse, Nephrologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains kidneys are connected to the bladder by the ureters. "If you are lacking calcium, you will not excrete it properly and you will keep it in your body," he says. He also points out kidneys do a lot of filtering of the blood, and they…...
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