Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

The Treatment of Acne

Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains she looks at the patients, analyzes the patient’s environment and works together with them to apply the best treatment. In cases of teenagers, she works with their parents and teaches how to wash their face, makes sure that they’re doing a good cleansing and uses…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

The Most Common Areas of Acne

Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant at Sunset Dermatology, says acne tends to be more prominent where you have the most oil glands (face, upper chest, upper back area). "Teens will have it along the T-zone area, women will tend to have it along the lower half of the face and men can really get it anywhere,…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Types of Acne

The types of acne are: blackhead, whitehead, papules, pustules and nodular. With a imaging, Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains any of them. The specialist describes that depends on the type of acne, the infection can cause a large infection such as furuncles or carbuncles as well. In those cases, the…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Causes & Types of Acne

Acne can happen at any age, says Paula Brezavseck, Physician Assistant with Miami Plastic Surgery, who adds she has patients that get acne after menopause. There are a lot of different factors that can cause acne, she affirms. However, the most common are the inflammatory types. Blackhead, whitehead, papules, pustules and nodular are other types…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

The Most Common Locations of Acne

Face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks are the parts of the body where acne is more prone to appear. Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains sometimes people can confuse acne with a type of eczema called keratosis pilaris. The specialist affirms acne is more prevalent in men...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

The Main Causes of Acne

Hormones and genetics are very important components of acne, explains Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida. She describes certain type of hormones, such as cortisol, can cause the gland proliferate and the bacteria gets into the skin and causes the infection. Milk, chocolate, humid climates, some topical treatments, manipulation and some foods…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Teen Acne vs. Adult Acne

Changing hormone levels, taking certain medicines, wearing greasy makeup and heredity are factors that can cause acne. Natalie Suarez, Physician Assistant at Sunset Dermatology, explains the difference between teen acne and adult acne: "When teenagers are getting acne, puberty is playing a big role in that, but when an adult presents with acne and they…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Habits That Can Wreck Your Teeth

Dr. Julia E discusses in detail habits that can wreck your teeth. Have a health question? Our medical advisors are standing by visit . --- Created by South Florida PBS, a member station of PBS, the most trusted institution in the United States, the Health Channel is the first TV channel of its kind, offering…...
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