Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorder
Dr. Paula Levine, Psychologist and Founding Director of the Miami Counseling Resource Center, explains disordered eating is when you, for example, do not have breakfast to save calories until lunch or dinner, even though nutritionists say it is good to start your day with breakfast. She also says another example of disordered eating is having…...
Read MoreMost Common Types of Eating Disorders
Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are the most common eating disorders, explains Dr. Bertha Tavarez, Clinical Director at Clementine South Miami. The expert says in cases of anorexia, people see an extreme fear of weight gain and negative body image, so they restrict the calories that are not meeting their needs. In cases of bulimia,…...
Read MoreHeart Disease in College Students
Terry Ochoa, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, says the foods college students choose tend to be fried or high in refined sugars, "All of this goes into the system and the liver converts it into what it needs to, and many times it is triglycerides." She explains if you have an overabundance of…...
Read MoreAvoiding Lower Back Pain in Teens
Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist at Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, gives some tips to teens so they can protect themselves from lower back pain. One of them is trying to not carry heavy backpacks for school, because it is bad for posture. Instead they can try using rolling suitcases. They also have to…...
Read MoreAnorexia: Signs & Symptoms
There are several anorexia signs: extremely restricted eating, extreme thinness, relentless pursuit of thinness, intense fear of gaining weight and distorted body image. Dr. Bertha Tavarez, Clinical Director at Clementine South Miami, says most of teens want to change their bodies because they think this makes them more popular. She advises parents to be alert…...
Read MoreSocial Anxiety vs. Shyness
Dr. Paula Levine, Psychologist and Founding Director of the Miami Counseling Resource Center, explains social phobia. She says it’s not fear of being social or fear of socializing. It’s fear of a scrutiny, evaluation and judgment. She clarifies that the shy person is simply that: shy. But a shy person is not afraid of the…...
Read MoreEating Disorders and Social Media
How are social media related to eating disorders? Janette Alonso, Licensed Psychotherapist, explains how teenagers are getting affected by bad comments in their social media, and how this can lead to develop an eating disorder...
Read MoreTeen independence
Pscychoterapists Amy Exum and Graciela Jimenez agree that when the child finishes school, it can be a time of stress and anxiety for them and their parents and it can cause depression. “Having an open conversation is so important, because a lot of times we can transfer or pass on our anxiety to other people,”…...
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