Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | Finding the Answers

The coronavirus outbreak devastated Wuhan, China in December and spread quickly throughout the region. But today, new cases may be declining there. Researchers in this country say we can learn from what the Chinese did -- and those lessons may help us limit the spread of the virus here...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | What is Social Distancing?

Social distancing is a term new to many of us before the Coronavirus crisis hit. What is it, how does it work and why does it work? We also highlight a specific example about how social distancing has worked in the past./...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | Drugs That May Work Against the Coronavirus

Researchers say an effective vaccine against the coronavirus is at least a year away, but health officials are putting old drugs with a proven record of success against other diseases to the test in the lab and coming up with good results. Could these old drugs – used against Malaria and arthritis -- be the…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | Stopping The Coronavirus Through Testing

Experts say, extensive testing is the best way to stop the Coronavirus. Testing will rapidly identify people who have the Coronavirus and identify those who don't. This information helps doctors make better choices about what to do next./...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | Advances in Coronavirus Tests

New methods of testing are much faster and can deliver test results on the novel coronavirus in a matter of hours. Getting the results as soon as possible is important to help health officials stop the spread of the disease...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | Fighting the Coronavirus

We hear from an infectious disease expert about how modern medical advancements can help in the fight against the coronavirus. Developments in virus sequencing, immunology, vaccine development and technology can help to increase scientific understanding of the coronavirus and vaccine creation...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Updated | Talking to Children About Coronavirus

We hear from an early education specialist about the best practices for discussing the coronavirus with children to keep them healthy and lower anxiety. Conversations about healthy habits can empower children to stay healthy and feel more involved...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Coronavirus Update | School Policies Around Coronavirus

How to help children comprehend why they may not be going to school for a while and highlighting the importance of following new rules of interaction with others and cleaning their hands properly...
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