Back & Neck Pain - Health Channel


Back & Neck Pain |

Back & Neck Pain, Health Channel

Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains it’s common for him to see, as a physician, a lower cervical problem, such as some vertebrae that causes pain in the shoulder blade. He affirms 9 out to 10 of his patients complain about back pain and the cause is their neck.
He advises his patients to listen to their bodies and if an activity causes pain to them, they should stop it immediately.


Back & Neck Pain, Health Channel

Little girls or pain in the mid-back could be coming from the neck that’s that’s probably the most common Cynthia so the net from what we see just looking at someone seems like it begins around the collar and goes up to the chin but the reality is that there is a vertebra that goes all the way as high as here that’s the first and second vertebrae door Don toyed and then the lower part of the neck is actually sometimes even below the level of the clavicles so it’s not uncommon for a lower cervical problem for example c5 6 c6 7 or c7 t1 to cause referred pain to the shoulder blade now I see this every single day and I would say that off the patients that come to my office but I am a spine surgeon the patients have come to my office with me the back pain I would say 9 out of 10 will have their neck as the cause ha so that’s it that’s the big secret your did back pains coming from your neck a lot of it but then there are some scary causes of mid-back pain that I as a spine surgeon have to rule out okay and it’s great that we have an opportunity to discuss this with our public alright so when you have that if you have that neck pain that’s causing your back to hurt and you’re doing the you know one of those stretchy things is that helping is it hurting or is it inconsequential I would say inconsequential again less that activity causes more pain I think it’s very safe to listen to your body and if an activity causes pain to assume that that’s an activity that may be bad for us or may be causing us some harm you

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