Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Health Channel


Benefits of Quitting Smoking |

Benefits of Quitting Smoking, Health Channel

Rodney Benjamin, Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine Physician at South Miami Hospital, says quitting is the best thing smokers can do for themselves.

“It’s so dangerous to smoke, it affects your heart, blood vessels, lungs, bladder, the whole body and it gives you wrinkles,” he points out.


Benefits of Quitting Smoking, Health Channel

For our viewers out there, who maybe are looking at this thing saying ‘I want to quit’ what would you say? >Me too. What would you say, doctor? I’m gonna start with the doctor first. >Yeah, state the obvious you should it’s the best thing that you can do for yourself and it’s so dangerous to smoke affect your heart, blood vessels, lungs, your bladder, your esophagus, the whole body and it gives you wrinkles… >That’s a big one, you look fabulous by the way, you are beautiful— >I was doing it to look older, it worked— >That was cute, Marianne, for anyone in there right now watching you, what would you tell them? >Quit, don’t start and if you started, stop. That’s all.

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