Eating Disorders: Myths and Facts - Health Channel


Eating Disorders: Myths and Facts |

Eating Disorders: Myths and Facts, Health Channel

Eating disorders are not a choice, according to the National Eating Disorders Association.

Dr. Melissa Spann, Psychotherapist and Executive Director with Oliver-Pyatt Centers, explains why the solution is not as simple as “just eat” and why it is more beyond the food.


Eating Disorders: Myths and Facts, Health Channel

I’ve heard this before and I find it to be a very important point to make the National Eating Disorders Association they make it a point to say that eating disorders are not a choice explain that yeah eating disorders are not a choice and so a lot of people think just not bad of it or have some exactly just eat just eat and if it was as simple as just eating then those individuals who are suffering would do that eating disorders are so much more beyond the food there’s a lot of factors that go into the onset and development of an eating disorder and actually what the research suggests is that there’s a very high genetic component to the onset of eating disorders I always like to discuss myths and kind of debunk them so I know one was the one that you just mentioned earlier about you think mostly in women and now there’s more men that are suffering from an eating disorder what are some other myths yeah absolutely other myths are that eating disorders are only an upper middle middle class disorder which is just not the case the rates and instances of eating disorders spread across all lines again eating disorders don’t discriminate you

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