Limiting Salt, Sugar and Fat - Health Channel


Limiting Salt, Sugar and Fat |

Limiting Salt, Sugar and Fat, Health Channel

Eating healthy involves foods to increase, and foods to limit. Lucette Talamas, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how many calories you should take from saturated fats and added sugars daily.


Limiting Salt, Sugar and Fat, Health Channel

Office of disease and Prevention recommends to limit through is first as food higher in saturated eats so these are well as we talked about the foods to increase there’s also foods to limits so we see less than ten percent of calories from each day from saturated fat so I know it gets maybe to mathematical when we think of ten percent of calories but it’s about keeping our saturated fat sources low where our saturated fats found mainly in animal foods then we see in the middle reducing your added sugar intake so while there is an allotment of up to ten percent of your daily calories it’s still too much so the most minimal added sugars you can get the better it’s so we so tricky with the added sugars yeah can be but at the end of the day sugar sugar we’re gonna dive a little more into that right in this later in the show and then last but not least limiting your sodium that’s independent of your calorie needs the sodium limit is for the general American is 2300 milligrams per day and if you already do have a condition such as high blood pressure or are at risk for high blood pressure the recommendation is actually 1500 milligrams of sodium per day so those are the nutrients to limits now in terms of fat what fat should we be eating right so we talked about the saturated fat and we can think of that as the artery clogging disease promoting type of fat so we want to limit the saturated fat and eat more unsaturated fat sources right so that comes from the famous avocado and everyone’s now eating nuts and seeds and vegetable oils such as olive oil so it’s not that you’re gonna all of a sudden eat more unsaturated fats you have to increase your unsaturated fats and decrease your saturated fat intake right when you see that shift that’s when we start to see better levels of cholesterol and overall heart health you

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