Maternity Care: Co-sleeping - Health Channel


Maternity Care: Co-sleeping |

Maternity Care: Co-sleeping, Health Channel

About co-sleeping and co-bedding, Paula Plympton, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner with Baptist Health South Florida, says it is important that a baby have their safe sleep area, because there can be accidental suffocation with a parent or a pillow.

She explains co-bedding is not recommended, but room sharing is recommended, the crib has to be in the room with the parent when they are at the younger months ages.


Maternity Care: Co-sleeping, Health Channel

There is one thing that again we can attribute to culture, it’s the co sleeping, Co bedding, and this is something that is so common I know as a as a parent, I’m guilty of it, I’ve done it with both my children, so talk to us a little bit about, how you handle a situation like this could be cultural but can also be a factor for SIDS?.That’s one of the questions that many parents address, they’re like I feel that my baby’s safest with me in bed, I know when they wake up, I know when they make noises, it’s important that a baby has their safe sleep area, that there can be accidental suffocation with a parent or a pillow, a soft bedding usually is in the parents, bed can go and cause accidental suffocation with a newborn, so again as with SIDS and all the risk factors we just continue to stress that the baby needs to have their safe crib, they need to be the co bedding is not recommended, room sharing though is recommended, we do recommend that the crib be in the room with the parent when they’re at the younger months ages. How do you handle the cultural factor of it you, we know that many countries this is the norm, there don’t sleep on a separate crib, they sleep with mom and dad and it’s normal. And it’s not just the baby, it’s the siblings also, it’s the entire family, sometimes we’ll sleep in one room, again as dr. Fernandez said earlier is just as just the statistics we try and talk about numbers, we try and say the safety, and what’s the going to lower these risk factors of SIDS and the biggest one with Co bedding is accidental suffocation.

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