New Moms Interview With Nancy Martinez - Health Channel


New Moms Interview With Nancy Martinez |

New Moms Interview With Nancy Martinez, Health Channel

New moms feel very overwhelmed in the first week after the baby is born, but this is completely normal, affirms Nancy Martinez, Mother Baby Clinical Educator with Homestead Hospital.

She recommends all new moms to try to sleep, eat well, drink a lot of water and take care of themselves, because they are now responsible for a very little person.


New Moms Interview With Nancy Martinez, Health Channel

Let’s talk about what is so important here which is you you out there and even abuelos and abuelas and grandparents who are watching right now and how they can help mom because one of the things that we lose a lot is sleep and ladies it can become very difficult I mean one thing is a fussy child another thing is a fussy mom who hasn’t slept it’s imperative to get that sleep isn’t it? It really is sleep is obviously very important when you feel that you’re overwhelmed not able to sleep abuela abuelo anybody moms dads anybody get them to help change diapers you grandparents are crucial in helping these moms to get that sleep believe it or not. That’s right and crucial even if it’s just Nancy a few minutes even if it’s just half an hour that hot shower and that moms need to know that letting go is okay right? Yes you’re gonna feel very overwhelmed in the first weeks when this baby is born it’s a new morning you’re completely responsible so feeling overwhelmed is completely normal but you have to remember to take care of yourself that hot shower is gonna be priceless it’s spend a few more minutes in that shower but remember to get your rest eat good drink your water take care of yourself because this is the time you know that you’re responsible for this little guy now this little girl but this is the precious time that bonding that’s gonna take remember sleep when the baby sleeps that’s my best advice I can give you guys I didin’t learn that until my third child I was trying to do dishes and then I would go to my shower and clean the house and do the laundry but remember when that baby’s rusty take your sleep because you never know what the night is going to unfold.

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