Osteoporosis in Young Athletes - Health Channel


Osteoporosis in Young Athletes |

Osteoporosis in Young Athletes, Health Channel

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the compositions of the bones. With a 3D imaging, Dr. Luis Rodriguez, Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, explains how osteoporosis happens and also says osteopenia is a milder form of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis in Young Athletes, Health Channel

Explain to us doctor how does osteoporosis get affected with the female try it and let’s start with what is osteoporosis osteoporosis is a disease that affects the composition of our bones so the inside of our bones is what we’re talking about here the inner architecture of the bone when we have normal bone mass that inner architecture is nice and compact and strong when when we have osteopenia or osteoporosis that inner architecture of the bone starts getting affected in a way where the trabecular of the bone become weaker and thinner and of course weaker bones may lead to to an increased risk of injury in particular fractures what is osteopenia so osteopenia is a milder form of osteoporosis so the way we define it is based on the bone density there’s a specific test called a bone density test and depending on the values and the results and we may be in the range of osteopenia which are bone densities are decreased for our age but not perhaps not quite as bad right and then if that gets worse and that’s when we see osteoporosis develop when I think osteoporosis you think it’s a condition that maybe the elderly guy so I’m trying to wrap my head around how young athletes might be getting this but you’re right it is more frequent in our aging population but it’s not by enemies a condition that is exclusive to the aging population because as you can see with some of these disorders that can affect our bone health we can still develop this problem they still develop osteoporosis they process you

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