Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues? - Health Channel


Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues? |

Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues?, Health Channel

There’s a difference between postpartum depression and Baby blues. In both cases, Dr. Jila Senemar, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, advises consulting with a qualified physician in order to manage the situation.

She also says there is a spectrum of these mood disorders after delivering a baby in a postpartum period. In Baby blues they can set in around 2 or 3 days after delivery and they are usually the consequences of the drop in the hormones.


Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues?, Health Channel

There is a difference between what people have always considered traditionally baby blues and postpartum depression. Yes? > Correct. Absolutely. There is a difference between the two Ed. And you know, what you want to do is… You want to make sure you’re aware of what’s going on with your body, what’s going on in your mind and always speak to people, ask for help and that’s kind of where we have to start with all of this. > Do the Blues and… When they call them baby blues, do they fade away on their own? People seem to feel that… it’s that’s what I’ve always heard over the years. > They can’t fade away. So typically there is a spectrum of these mood disorders after delivering a baby in the postpartum period and with the baby blues they can typically set in around 2 to 3 days after delivery and they are usually as a consequence of the drop in the hormones that were elevated in pregnancy. So some women yes they do feel it and once the hormones start to raise back up within a week or so the patients feel much better. And so … They, yes … It does go away on its own. > So you’re within a couple of days here should you seek treatment right away? I mean. Cuz sometimes we are always looking to get right to the doctor and sometimes there are people who will say I can let something sit for a month or two before really bothers you. > Right and that’s the thing at is you want to make sure that you’re speaking to people you’re asking for help and you are recognizing your symptoms. Typically nowadays due to the elevated numbers and the incidence of postpartum depression and baby blues the whole… the whole category we have a screening modality about at the hospital so on maternity postpartum. These patients are screened accordingly and that way we know who we need to target.

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