Pregnancy: C-Section - Health Channel


Pregnancy: C-Section |

Pregnancy: C-Section, Health Channel

Dr. Jason James, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains when you have a baby there are two options: vaginal delivery or cesarean section, which is an operative form of delivery by removing the baby through the abdomen.

He also says the early signs that labor es nearing are feeling a lot of pressure in the pelvis, and feeling contractions, which are tightening of the abdominal muscles around the uterus.


Pregnancy: C-Section, Health Channel

What is a c-section when patients come to you what is a c-section what are they what do they want to know so I think that the main issue of what is a cesarean section is it’s a kind of delivery when you have your baby there’s really only two options either a vaginal delivery or as a Zarin section which is an operative form of delivery where we’re removing the baby through the abdomen now what are some of the early signs that labor is nearing I usually like to tell my patients that there are some things that they can anticipate as they get close to the due date they’re gonna feel a lot of pressure in the pelvis they may start to feel contractions which are tightening of the abdominal muscles around the uterus they may start to see a little bit more of a discharge those are the symptoms that they’re gonna start to see sometimes the baby may move a little less vigorously although they should still feel the baby move every day now you always seen the movies people go to the hospital too early for delivery and sometimes even go too late which is a little scary so at which point should a patient call their doctor and head to the hospital I usually tell my patients that there are three things that they’re looking for when they need to decide to go to the hospital number one is if they break their water usually it’s pretty obvious a big gush of fluid comes out then you know it’s time to start heading to the hospital sometimes it’s not so clear maybe more of a leakage and if it’s persistent then I think it’s better safe than sorry to be evaluated but sometimes the patient’s water doesn’t even break sometimes it doesn’t so the second thing is contractions so when the contractions are strong regular they’re getting closer together they’re getting more uncomfortable and they don’t go away after some rest or fluids or shower that’s the time to get evaluated for labor and then the third thing is if you’re really not feeling the baby move so you know like I said you can see a little bit of a decrease in how vigorous the baby moves but if they’re not feeling the baby move all day and the different things that tend to make the baby move aren’t working it’s time to call your doctor and get checked out you.

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