Pregnancy Complications and Hurricanes - Health Channel


Pregnancy Complications and Hurricanes |

Pregnancy Complications and Hurricanes, Health Channel

“If you are pregnant and entering into hurricane seasons, thinking about where your pregnancy may be as we really gear up to the higher peak months of hurricanes season (August, September), it’s a good conversation to have with your obstetrician-gynecologist if they would want you to come in and to make sure that you’re okay during the storm,” says Manuel Torres, Family Medicine Physician at Baptist Health Primary Care.

He also points out the gynecologist should have good information regarding this procedure and they typically have a well-rehearsed response for that.


Pregnancy Complications and Hurricanes, Health Channel

Is a hospital the best place for a pregnant woman during a storm? So here’s the the background behind that the background behind that is of course when hurricane passes the barometric pressure drops and that barometric pressure may affect the late stages of a pregnancy and and the thought process is that maybe that would induce labor because of very metro pressure drops and this is for a very late third trimester women not for all pregnant women so again if you are pregnant and entering into hurricane seasons thinking about where your pregnancy may be as we really gear up to the higher peaks peak months of hurricanes season is in August September it’s a good conversation to have with your OBGYN ahead of time what is really the cutoff I believe it’s at 37 weeks they would want you to come in just observe you and to make sure that you’re okay during the storm and if just in case you go into labor you’re already at the hospital of course there’s limitations to that and availability that always becomes a challenge but here at Baptist Health were prepared for those things and your gynecologist should have good information in regards to those things and again specially if they’re experienced with how this has happened before and unfortunately they’ve been a hurricane alley I guess they’re you typically have a well-rehearsed response for that.

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