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Factors That Can Affect Prenatal Care

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Healthy Habits Healthy Women Pregnancy Pregnant Prenatal Care

There are several factors that can affect pregnancy such as weight and smoking. Dr. Victoria Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, also advises doing a genetic screening. Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains women who have underweight or overweight can have problems getting pregnant.

Exercises and Pregnancy

Video Exercise Pregnancy Exercise Pregnancy Healhty Women Healthy Exercise Tips Healthy Pregnancy Lifestyle

Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says he encourages patients to exercise. He recommends walking and swimming to increase your heart rate and help the cardiovascular system. Janette Janero, patient, explains with her first pregnancy she kept on […]

Fertility tests

Video Men´s Health Women´s Health Fertility tests Health Healthy Habits Healthy Women Infertility Pregnant

Fertility Specialist Enrique Soto says that 3% of women and men can have fertility problems, because it is a combined thing. In order to help the couple to conceive, specialists do basic tests. “For men, a sperm test is conducted to know how many sperms there are, how well they move and the shape. The […]

Pregnancy: C-Section

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health C-Section Risks Gynecology Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Women Pregnancy

Dr. Jason James, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains when you have a baby there are two options: vaginal delivery or cesarean section, which is an operative form of delivery by removing the baby through the abdomen. He also says the early signs that labor es nearing are feeling a lot of […]

Learning About Breast Milk

Video Women´s Health Breast Cancer Breast Milk Health women Healthy Habits lowering risk

Carey Acosta, Lactation Consultant with Homestead Hospital says some of the benefits of breast feeding for a mom are lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and lowering the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. She also affirms it can also lower the risk of osteoporosis and Alzheimer. But the best benefit of […]

Menstrual Cycle: Warning Signs

Video Women´s Health Health Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Women Menstrual Cycle Warning Signs

Dr. Debra Kenward, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about signs of period problems. She says signs can vary in each woman. The most important thing is to be aware of any change and if it is persistent. Regarding cramps, the expert explains nowadays most people should be relieved by medication such […]

Tens for Pain Relief in Labor

Video Pain Management Pregnancy Women´s Health Health Labor Pain Relief in Labor Physical Therapy Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

TENS unit (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is used for physical therapy. However, there is a unit specifically for labor and delivery. Janette Janero, Owner with Naked Formula, explains how it works. Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, describes […]

Cosmetics & Pregnancy

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Ammonia Cosmetics Cosmetics & Pregnancy Health Pregnancy Pregnant Myths

Dr. Karen Salazar-Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Hospital of Miami, says there are some products that contain ammonia and formaldehyde but nowadays are more considered safe in pregnancy than in the past. The expert affirms she doesn’t forbid her patients to dye their hair or paint their nails. “It’s safe and you should look […]

Pregnancy: Trimesters

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Health Healthy Pregnancy Pregnancy Pregnancy Trimesters Pregnant

Pregnancy divides into three trimesters, but what is the difference between them? Dr. Eduardo Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains what happens in each one of them and how the baby is developed.

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