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What effect does excessive drinking have on the body?

Article Addictions Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism Death Drinking Miscarriage

Many times, we tend to think of long-standing conditions, such as chronic liver disease, as being responsible for causing deaths due to excessive alcohol consumption. A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), however, has shed new light on the actual causes of alcohol-attributable deaths. The main goal of this study was to […]

Is there really such a thing as a “broken heart”?

Article Cardiovascular Health Cardiomyopathy Heart Diseases Heart Health Stress TCM

Nicknamed “broken heart syndrome”, Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a temporary condition associated with sudden, severe weakness of the heart muscle.  “Cardio” refers to the heart and “myopathy” means muscle disease.  Another name for this condition is “stress-induced cardiomyopathy”, since it is triggered by emotional or physical stress.  The disease was first described in 1990 in […]

How do I alleviate tooth pain at home?

Article Oral Health Health Home remedies Pain Tooth Toothache

Just like other organs or structures in the body, the teeth are susceptible to injuries, infections, and defects. Knowing what do when one of these occurs can help minimize discomfort and improve the outcome. In some cases, this may even mean the difference in saving or losing a tooth. In the next two editions of […]

How do I treat a dental issue while I wait to see a dentist?

Article Oral Health Dental Health dental Health Risks Medications Tooth

Just like other organs or structures in the body, the teeth are susceptible to acute injuries, infections, and defects. Knowing what do when one of these occurs can help minimize discomfort and improve the outcome. In some cases, this may even mean the difference in saving or losing a tooth. Last article Health Tip discussed […]

What is a goiter and what do you do about it?

Article Healthy Life Women´s Health Goiter Health Healthy Habits Thyroid Disorders Thyroid Gland

A goiter is not a specific disease, but is a term used to describe an enlarged thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the front of the neck. It secretes hormones that help in the regulation of a number of functions in the body including heart rate, […]

What are some effective home remedies?

Article Alternative Medicine Health Home remedies Infections Pain Poison ivy

“Stuff that works, stuff that holds upThe kind of stuff you don’t hang on the wallStuff that’s real, stuff you feel The kind of stuff you reach for when you fall”Guy Clark—“Stuff that Works”; Regular readers of our Health Tips may remember a previous edition of “Stuff That Works” that described several simple, yet effective […]

Why should I quit smoking?

Article Public Health Respiratory Health Cancer Cigarette Smoking Respiratory Disease Skin Smoking

Recent statistics indicate that over 46 million Americans still smoke despite widespread knowledge that tobacco use is a leading cause of disease and premature death. However, of these, almost 70% would like to quit. Why don’t they? Because most smokers find smoking to be pleasurable and nicotine is one of the most addicting drugs around. […]

What is Psoriasis?

Article Dermatology Disease Psoriasis Skin Conditions Skin Lesions Treatments

Psoriasis is much more than just a skin condition. It is actually a life-long disease of the immune system that, in addition to causing skin lesions, is associated with a number of other health issues including arthritis, depression, and an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Psoriasis affects around 7.5 million Americans, with most […]

What can I do to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes?

Article Diabetes Diabetes Type 2 Fat Healthy Living low physical activity Obesity Risk

Of the 24 million Americans with diabetes currently, fewer than 10% are Type 1 diabetics. The great majority have Type 2 diabetes, the form that typically develops in adulthood and does not require taking insulin. Type 1 diabetes, previously known as “insulin-dependent” diabetes, is an autoimmune disease in which genetics plays an important role in […]

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