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Is it really bad to overeat during the holiday season?

Article Nutrition Food Health Risks Healthy Eating Holidays Overeating

For many people, the holiday season is the happiest time of the year. But power shopping, visiting relatives and over-eating can also take its toll on the body. During this time of year, food seems to be everywhere. One explanation for how this got started is that in days of old, meals on a day-to-day […]

Is there any truth to medical myths about the holiday season?

Article Pregnancy Children Hyperactive Eating Healthy Healthy Diet Medical Myths Sugar

Medicine is not an exact science, but one that repeatedly shoots at a moving target in an attempt to eventually hit the bull’s-eye. During this process, widely held medical “truths”, on further review, may turn out to be inaccurate. Maintaining a certain level of skepticism and continuing to question even the most commonly held “facts” […]

Is dark chocolate healthy?

Article Cardiovascular Health Nutrition Chocolate Dark Chocolate Eating Healthy Food Health Benefits

In the past, chocolate has been considered an indulgence without benefits beyond pleasing our taste buds. Recent evidence, however, has shown that there may be significant health benefits to eating chocolate. The key to receiving these health benefits appears to be the type and amount of chocolate being consumed. What is the origin of chocolate? […]

What are ways to stay active during the winter?

Article Healthy Life Athletes Health Exercise Healthy Exercise Tips Healthy Routine Holidays

Wintertime does not have to bring your exercise routine to a grinding halt. Getting outside to exercise gives you a chance to breath fresh air and helps burn those excess calories consumed during the holidays. Working out in cold or inclement conditions, however, does require attention to issues that don’t come into play during warmer […]

Why are certain cancers so hard to diagnose?

Article Cancer Women´s Health Cancer Cancer diagnose Healthy Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Medical science has made tremendous strides in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  Screening tests including mammograms for breast cancer, Pap smears for cervical cancer, and colonoscopies for colon cancer have allowed these cancers to be detected at an earlier stage when treatment is generally more effective. Treatment of several types of cancer including breast, […]

Are there any home remedies for plantar warts?

Article Alternative Medicine Dermatology Healthy Life Health Healthy Habits Home remedies Plantar Warts Virus

Plantar warts occur on the sole of the foot and look very similar to calluses.  Sometimes they grow into wider clusters called mosaic warts. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the body through tiny cuts and breaks in the skin. Plantar warts often develop beneath pressure points such as the heels […]

What makes some people decline immunizations?

Article Public Health Health Immunizations Pediatprics Sick Vaccines

Today’s Health Tip originally ran in 2012 following the release of a statement from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding the responsibilities of parents who decline to have their children immunized.  The importance of this statement has been underscored by the recent outbreak of measles linked to an amusement park in California. Not surprisingly, […]

Do vitamins really work?

Article Nutrition Food Healthy Diet Multivitamins Vitamins

Americans over the age of one year.  The National Institutes of Health reports that during the year 2012, U.S. consumers spent 5.4 billion dollars on multivitamins.  The reasons that people take multivitamins include “insurance” against nutritional deficiencies and to prevent certain chronic diseases. This widespread consumption of multivitamins, however, has occurred since their introduction in […]

When should I use a vitamin supplement?

Article Healthy Life Calcium Healthy Lifestyle Multivitamins Nutritional Deficiency Vitamins

According to an analysis of data that the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected in 2003–2006, multivitamins were taken by 33% of Americans over the age of one year.  The National Institutes of Health reports that during the year 2012, U.S. consumers spent 5.4 billion dollars on multivitamins.  The reasons that people take […]

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