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When is the right time to get a flu shot?

Article Public Health Respiratory Health Disease prevention Flu Immune System Vaccines Viral illness

Did you know that up to 56,000 Americans die of the flu each year, and as many as 710,000 are hospitalized because of it? The flu is a dangerous viral illness that can be lethal, or cause complications that range from pneumonia to inflammation of the heart, brain, and muscles. The good news is that […]

How can I manage my arthritis pain?

Article Neurology Pain Management Arthritis Healthy Tips Osteoarthritis Pain Management Treatments

I was with some friends the other day who were bemoaning the fact that they were generally in good health, but their joint aches and pains were significantly impacting their daily lives. They asked me what I recommended for osteoarthritis. I winced a little bit because I knew that there is no perfect cure, and […]

Is there a way to rejuvenate my face skin?

Article Dermatology Aging Face Skin Aging Skin Care Skin Rejuvenation

If I asked you how to improve the size or shape of your muscles, you would probably say ‘lifting weights,’ and you’d be right. Muscles grow when they are first broken down with forceful exercise, and then they repair themselves in an effort to meet the repetitive challenge. Interestingly, the skin operates on the same […]

Why is my skin changing as I age?

Article Dermatology Senior Life Cosmetic Dermatology Healthy Tips Skin Aging Skin Care

For regular health tip readers, you may have noticed that I introduced a topic (anti-aging strategies for facial skin) and then never completed parts II and III. Sorry for the delay. As I was saying in my original health tip Anti-Aging Strategies For Facial Skin, Part 1  (you might want to re-read this), that our […]

How should I protect my skin as I age?

Article Dermatology Senior Life Aging Dermatology Laser Treatment Skin Care Wrinkles

We are now completing the third in a series about how to reduce the signs of aging in facial skin. As we have discovered, aging skin is thinner and the cells do not turn over as quickly. Dark spots may emerge in response to a lifetime of sun exposure, and wrinkles form as laugh lines […]

What should I do if I wake up with a stiff neck?

Article Bones & Joints Ergonomic Healthy Tips Neck Pain Stiff neck Torticollis

The common problem of awakening with a stiff neck is a topic that is addressed poorly, if at all, during medical training. In fact, it doesn’t even have a consistent name in the medical literature. It is sometimes referred to as “torticollis” or “wry neck”, but these terms also apply to more serious neurological or […]

Could you get altitude sickness at your local ski resort?

Article Healthy Life Altitude sickness Decreased oxygen Healthy Tips Mountain sports Ski

As they say in Game of Thrones, “winter is coming.” Time to break out the snow gear and prepare for mountain sports (or find some dragon glass to fight off the white walkers – your choice). If you’re planning  a trip out west to Colorado, New Mexico, or Utah, however, you may need to think […]

How can I control what I eat during the holidays?

Article Nutrition Diets Eating Healthy Holidays Losing Weight Weight Gain

Did you know that most Americans gain weight between October and the New Year’s Eve, and that it takes about 5 months to lose it again?(1) It doesn’t have to be this way, and knowing you’re at risk may be the first step in avoiding packing on the holiday pounds. The over-eating cycle is all […]

What is causing my chronic diarrhea, gas, and bloating?

Article Nutrition Abdomininal discomfort Diarrhea Diets Intestinal disorders Treatments

A dear friend of mine has been suffering with abdominal discomfort for over a decade. She has undergone every study and procedure known to gastroenterology – including tests for infectious disease, autoimmune disorders, and allergies. She has had unremarkable colonoscopies, followed restrictive diets, and felt perpetual embarrassment regarding her ill-behaved intestines. Although she still has […]

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.