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Bursitis And Common Symptoms

Article Bones & Joints Neurology Arthritis Bursitis Inflammation Joint Pain Joints

Did you know that our bodies have mini “air bags,” located around our joints (the largest ones are in the shoulder, elbow, and hip) for protection? They are not actually filled with air – they are filled with fluid and are called bursae (plural). But they are designed to keep the joints buffered from impact. […]

What is heatstroke?

Article Cardiovascular Health Understanding Stroke Care Dehydration Exercises Health Risks Heatstroke

I got heatstroke once when I was hiking in Arizona. As I was coming down the mountain in the final mile, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of nausea and I started dry heaving. At the time I was confused about what was happening, because I thought I had been drinking enough water during the […]

What is plantar fascitis?

Article Neurology Inflammation Out Physical Therapist Plantar fascitis Stretching Swollen feet

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the sheath of tissue on the bottom of the foot. It causes sharp foot and heel pain, usually worst when you first get out of bed in the morning.  It feels like walking on needles and can be very debilitating. There is conflicting information about how to treat plantar fasciitis […]

What is the safe way to observe a solar eclipse?

Article Eye Care Eye care Eye risk Health eyes Health Risks Solar eclipse

You may have heard that there will be an eclipse on August 21, 2017 and that people are planning to view it in specific cities in the U.S. On that date, the Sun, Moon, and Earth’s orbits will line up such that the moon will completely cover the sun, casting a shadow on an arc […]

Why am I losing my hair?

Article Men´s Health Women´s Health Appearance Esthetic Hair care Hair Loss Self-esteem

Did you know that American men spend over a billion dollars a year on hair loss treatments? Interestingly, they spend over 4 billion on hair removal products.  So getting hair where you want it, and removing it from places you don’t want it, is a five billion dollar industry – and that’s just what guys […]

Is there a treatment for hair loss?

Article Dermatology Cosmetic Treatment Hair growth Hair Loss Hair treatment Laser Treatment

In my most recent health tip I discussed the possible causes of hair loss. If you have treated all the potential “reversible causes” of hair loss that are within our control (such as optimizing your medications, treating scalp infections, reducing stress, avoiding certain hairstyles or treatments, eating healthfully, and treating medical conditions that have the […]

What should I do when the air quality is poor?

Article Healthy Life Air quality Breathing Problems Chest Pain Difficulty Breathing Lung diseases

I’m interrupting our skin tips to discuss air quality. I live in Washington state, near the Oregon forest fires, and my city is covered in an ash cloud right now. So I suppose this topic is top-of-mind for me… and any of you in California, Oregon, or Washington state are probably reading this with burning […]

Why is flood water dangerous?

Article Public Health Contamination Flood Health Risks Healthy Tips Risk Factors

“Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have recently flooded Texas, Florida and surrounding states, causing an estimated $200 billion in damage (similar to the costs of Katrina in 2005). Images […]

What are autoimmune diseases?

Article Internal Medicine Autoimmune diseases Bacterial Infections Immune System Rheumatoid Arthritis Virus

The immune system is a complex system of specialized cells, tissues, and organs designed to defend the body from germs and other invaders.  Central to the normal function of the immune system is its ability to distinguish between what is part of our own healthy bodies from a potentially harmful agent. The part of the […]

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.