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Sciatica: Management & Treatment

Video Back Pain Pain Management Back Pain Sciatica

An exercise routine is the first step for treating sciatica. Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, explains in cases of patients without any neurological disease, they can put into a long-term home exercise program, and also talks about spinal injections.

Lisa’s Story

Video Cancer

Life can be full of hope and dreams. Lisa Briggs was enjoying a successful business, and a close-knit family while celebrating the arrival of her second child. Yet within months of giving birth Lisa got a devastating news; she had stage 4 lung cancer. For an athletic, young woman who never smoked, the diagnosis seemed […]

Emily’s Story

Video Cancer

Emily Bennett Taylor and her husband Miles were newlyweds with a bright future planned. Just as they were house hunting and talking about raising a family Emily received the news that she had stage 4 lung cancer. She and her husband recall their cancer journey and recount their determination to live life to its fullest […]

Varicocele: Symptoms And Causes

Video Men´s Health Public Health Sexuality

Dr. Adam Geronemus, Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute, explains varicocele is dilatation or dilated veins within the scrotum. “When the valves don’t function, if the blood flows the wrong way, the veins become dilated. It is a tangle in the scrotum,” he says. Dr. James Benenati, Director of Non-Invasive Vascular […]

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