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Influenza: Causes & Symptoms

Video Respiratory Health

Influenza is a serious respiratory illness and it’s caused by a virus, the influenza virus, affirms Elizabeth Reinhardt, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with Baptist Hospital. Some of the symptoms of influenza (Flu) are: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headaches and chills. She considers the most important thing is not to […]

Flu Complications in Children

Video Pediatrics Respiratory Health

Bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and worsening of chronic conditions are the most common flu complications, explains Felicia Jones, Registered Nurse with Baptist Hospital. She affirms complications can be similar either in children as in adults. The expert also explains children have smaller sinus cavities than adults. They may have the symptoms worse and […]

Alzheimer and Caregivers

Video Alzheimer and Dementia

It is important for caregivers to stay healthy and active, and to not forget who they are. Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care, says a coping strategy for caregivers is the oxygen airplane analogy: you have to give yourself oxygen first before you can help those around you. Other tips […]

Physical Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease

Video Alzheimer and Dementia

Memory loss, trouble doing familiar tasks, problems with language, confusion about time and place, poor judgment, and misplacing things are some of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Haronyd Melo Nunez, PT, Manager of Rehab Services at West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains they won’t see someone in physical therapy strictly for Alzheimer’s, but what […]

Alzheimer’s Disease: Signs & Symptoms

Video Alzheimer and Dementia

Dr. Andrew Forster, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care, talks about the ten early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. He affirms it is very hard to diagnose the condition, because there are not blood or imaging tests for it. “You have to spend time with the patient and go through a whole […]

Learning about Alzheimer’s

Video Alzheimer and Dementia

Dr. Jose Vazquez, Internal Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care says Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia in the elderly particularly. With a graphic and a 3D imaging of the brain, the specialist explains what the disease is. “Alzheimer’s affects the hippocampus area in particular,” he says.

Coping With Vision Loss in Children

Video Eye Care

Isabel Chica, Director of Children’s Services with The Lighthouse for the Blind, says it’s not easy to deal with parents with children who lose their vision, but it’s important to make an approach with the whole family. She considers every family member needs to know there is hope and they can support them. The expert […]

Cataract: Causes and Treatment

Video Eye Care

Dr. Richard Simon, Ophthalmologist with Baptist Outpatient Services, explains cataract is a little and hazy film. About the symptoms, he says you won’t feel anything in your eye, the only thing that will happen is that you will have vision that’s not clear. “Now I do need to make it clear every cataract does not […]

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