Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression - Health Channel


Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression |

Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression, Health Channel

Specialist Dr. Jila Senemar, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, advises pulling patients with postpartum depression out of isolation, even though they feel that it is what they need.

She says those patients need to be out, to be productive, to involve with family and friends and they need to be with their babies.

Dr. Senemar advises calling 911 or any other line to find help in a crisis moment.


Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression, Health Channel

Make time for yourself there’s there’s a picture right there completely isolated from the baby and from life herself. Is that one of the more difficulty things to do is tell the mother you’ve got to avoid this isolation they feel as if they need it right at this point you’ve got to pull it out. Absolutely. You need to pull them out of that isolation even though they feel that’s what I need at this point that’s ac tually counter productive to what they need to do. They need to be out they need to be involved with family functions and they need to be there with their baby. That’s where the bonding comes into play and if they’re missing all of that later they’re going to have regrets, I miss those first three months of my baby’s life because I wasn’t feeling like myself so I I isolate myself. So this needs to all be put together. > And here is the last one: Ask for help! We’re gonna put up a graphic h ere which is very important doctor we need to make sure that people understand this if you are in a crisis call 9-1-1 call National Suicide Prevention lifeline the number is there. two-one-one is switchboard of miami. Text home 741 741 in the u.s. Visit i’m alive dot org to start reaching out start a chat. Do you find yourself needing to press this too a lot of people? Because this is so critical to know. > It is they need to understand that there is help out there, they need to know there are people there waiting to engage them and to help them even if they may not have the best family support. So yes these numbers are critical to get across to the patient. > Even if you have family support there are times when 9-1-1 National Suicide Prevention the two-on-one switchboard will be very helpful at that point because sometimes the family is not there every single second of every single day. > Exactly. It could be two o’clock in the morning and the baby’s awake and you’re having a moment. You call one of these numbers and you start talking it’s basically therapy that you’re doing with these numbers these people on the other end they’re therapists.

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