Selecting the Right Toothbrush - Health Channel


Selecting the Right Toothbrush |

Selecting the Right Toothbrush, Health Channel

Diana Perez-Caballero, Lead Dental Hygienist with SOMI Dental Group, says she recommends to her patients to use a bristle toothbrush, because if they use a hard or medium bristle, they will cause micro-scratches to their teeth.
She shows different types of electric toothbrushes. One of them is Oral-B and she recommends it for people who has a lot of plaque. The other one is developed by a dental company. It’s a prescription strength toothbrush, she describes.
She reveals their toothpaste is an anti-sensitivity toothpaste. It is a prescription toothpaste and it has a lot of fluoride in it that will help patients overcome sensitivity.


Selecting the Right Toothbrush, Health Channel

What about damage that we could do to our teeth sometimes I could feel I could do a little bit too harsh what damages can we do ourselves you can definitely erode the enamel if you’re brushing too hard or if you shoes like a hard bristle toothbrush that’s why it is recommended although I know out there they sell old types of toothbrushes but it’s recommended that you always use a soft bristle toothbrush never Hughes use a harder medium bristle because that will cause definitely micro scratches to your enamel you’re not gonna see them but over time you know that that will will definitely harm your teeth all right let’s talk about a few things that we have here I’m holding this toothbrush this one’s actually very nice and soft you can find it at so many devil group there you go a little plug there what do you have there okay so these are basically two toothbrushes that we use in our practice this it’s the oral-b which is one of the leading brands out there in the industry I recommend these to patients I have a lot of plaque accumulation and they really are not doing a very efficient brushing this is a regular electric toothbrush you can find it everywhere or you can find it also meet a dental group for sure okay and this is the oral-b it works really really well I know I’m sorry I turned it off it works really well for people that are definitely healthy they just need that little push to be better in better health when they come to the dentist and this one it’s called the rodent it’s developed by a dental company it’s a prescription-strength toothbrush I even sometimes don’t like to call it a toothbrush because it does much more than that I actually use this as a tool for my periodontal patients people with gum disease so that you know the audience understands and I use this to deliver a specific antibacterial rinse which we’re gonna talk about it more on the show later under the gums so it’s specific alright let me see this one too while we talk about this here and what is the this is a gentle toothpaste this is our to space this is anti sensitivity toothpaste we were talking about prescription strength tooth phases this is one of them it also has a lot of fluoride in it which will also help the patients you know overcome sensitivity as well bud protect them from getting cavities and stuff like that you

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