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Tag Archives: Healthy Habits

Fertility and Age

Fertility and Age

When does a woman start to lose her ability to have children? Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about this and explains some infertility lifestyle risks, such as smoking, …

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Prenatal Care: Healthy Tips

Prenatal Care: Healthy Tips

There are several things that a mother can do before becoming pregnant such as taking folic acid, quitting alcohol & drugs, making sure vaccines are current, controlling medical conditions, discussing medications with doctor and avoiding toxic substances. Dr. Sarah Bedell. …

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Fertility tests

Fertility tests

Fertility Specialist Enrique Soto says that 3% of women and men can have fertility problems, because it is a combined thing.

In order to help the couple to conceive, specialists do basic tests. “For men, a sperm test is conducted …

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