The Benefits of Breast Lift - Health Channel


The Benefits of Breast Lift |

The Benefits of Breast Lift, Health Channel

Dr. Max Polo, Plastic Surgeon at Baptist Health South Florida, says women choose breast lift surgery, because there is a general trend towards smaller implants and even no implant at all. They prefer just restoring the shape of the breast with a lift procedure.

He also explains they will spend a lot of time sizing with the patient the dimensions of the breast and finding out how many cup size they wish to be. And they also have a software available that can specifically give the patient an image that will be close to what their final result will be.


The Benefits of Breast Lift, Health Channel

Why are women choosing breast lift surgery and I’m going to guess something here is it simply perhaps that they don’t want to or they have the option of not having a foreign object placed in their body I think it’s I think it’s both of those things I think women are there is a general trend overall towards smaller implants and even you know no implant at all and just restoring the shape of the breast with a lift procedure so I think there’s more awareness of that of the potential to achieve the results you want with a lift alone and I think women in general are trending toward preferring smaller implants or maybe no implant at all okay so let’s talk about breast augmentation again you have someone who comes in and you’re looking at candidates because of course you have to talk to everybody they come in who is that good candidate describe it if you will for me augmentation right well if if the patient specifically wants a larger breast I mean that’s the appropriate candidate for an augmentation either with an implant or with fat transfer and we’ll have that discussion at that time as far as implant type of implant incisional approaches and the volume and we’ll spend a lot of time sizing with that patient so we measure very specifically the dimensions of the breast will you know consult with the patient and find out how many cup size is larger they wish to be will do sizing with sample implants and devices that are specifically designed to give the patient an example of you know what their result will be with a specific implant and we have you know software available for that also that can specifically give you know patient an image that will be close to what their final result will be with a specific implant and then we’ll help select the implant for you

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