The Psychology of Dieting - Health Channel


The Psychology of Dieting |

The Psychology of Dieting, Health Channel

Lucette Talamas, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, points out dieting is usually seen as something negative, but the reality is that we are all on a diet. “We have to accept that we just need to learn the healthier ways to eat,” she says.

She explains Fad diets don’t work, because after starting the diet, people lose the motivation and give up on continuing eating healthy and eventually they gain weight again.


The Psychology of Dieting, Health Channel

Diet, weight-loss, fad diets, old habits, back and forth. What’s the psychology behind all this? > Right so the psychology behind dieting is usually a negative word right dieting is seen as something negative but the reality is that we are all on a diet, therefore we have to come to accept that we just need to learn the healthier ways to eat but so much is based off of what we eat as far as our weight management we can say is based off of what we eat and exercise but there’s definitely that psychology behind it so here we have this graphic and at the top left you see like the start of a diet where a lot of people you know may turn to there’s so many different types of diets will call them fad diets for the purpose of this segment and then what you may see immediately is some weight loss but it may not necessarily be fat loss so remember when we have to lose weight and when we talked about BMI previously it’s a measurement or estimate of our fat mass and we’re interested in more of the fat loss versus water or muscle loss. Psychologically this may lead to deprivation as the video indicated that when you cut so many foods at once your body psychologically just is geared towards feeling deprived, you may get loss of motivation, you may start craving, what we call giving in, then Jing and then weight gain. What the graphic didn’t cover is one other important concept that when you all of a sudden restrict yourself very drastically in a diet is the impact it has on your metabolism. So as you start losing some weight with a fad diet that was really really restrictive on calories your metabolism actually goes down and that’s something we don’t want to see in dieting or the negative type of dieting because that’s why you’re more susceptible to weight gain when you get off of that diet the weight not only comes back it may come back even more and it’s because you may have impacted your metabolism negatively.

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