Healing America’s Heroes: A Benefits Breakthrough Town Hall - Health Channel

Healing America’s Heroes: A Benefits Breakthrough Town Hall

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


They swore an oath to protect our country, whether at home or on a foreign battlefield. In return for that service, all are entitled to benefits, and for some that includes healthcare. With the new PACT Act, those health benefits have been expanded to include many more service men and women. But the system can sometimes be difficult to navigate, and others feel left out. In Healing America’s Heroes Town Hall, experts dig into the PACT Act: what it covers, who’s eligible, and how to successfully access the benefits.



  • Olga Villaverde — Health Channel Host
  • Dr. Michael Zinner, M.D. – CEO & Executive Medical Dir., Miami Cancer Institute


  • Michael Figlioli – Director of National Veterans Service, VFW
  • Shereef Elnahal, M.D. – Under Secretary for Health, VA
  • Joshua Jacobs — Under Secretary for Benefits, VA

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