Healing America’s Heroes: Women Veterans Health Town Hall - Health Channel

Healing America’s Heroes: Women Veterans Health Town Hall

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


They are the fastest-growing segment of the veteran population, and women veterans face many of the same health and mental health problems as their male counterparts. But there are some differences: more women experience sexual trauma while serving, they are more likely to think about suicide, and more women vets’ suicide deaths are the result of a firearm injury. But the VA is changing to meet the needs of women veterans, and that’s our focus on Healing America’s Heroes: Women Veterans Health Town Hall.


  • Olga Villaverde – Health Channel Host
  • Montel Williams – Television Personality and Advocate for Veterans
  • Melva Rozier – Supervising Attorney of Veterans Advocacy Projects, Legal Aid Society
  • Dr. Monina Mabuti Lim – Women’s Health Medical Director, West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System
  • Dr. Loree Sutton – Brigadier General (Ret.), U.S. Army

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