Hope & Healing: Exposing The Fentanyl Crisis Town Hall - Health Channel

Hope & Healing: Exposing The Fentanyl Crisis Town Hall

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


Fentanyl, an FDA-approved synthetic opioid, is known officially as Florida’s most lethal drug. It kills thousands of people of all races and demographics. Counterfeit prescriptions of Adderall, Xanax, and other prescription drugs are laced with potentially fatal doses of fentanyl and many victims don’t even know they’re taking it. Hope & Healing: Exposing the Fentanyl Crisis Town Hall examines the role Fentanyl plays in illicit drug use, the importance of getting prescription drugs only from a pharmacy, and the hope that comes from addiction recovery.


  • Olga Villaverde – Health Channel Host
  • Michael Zinner, M.D. – CEO & Executive Medical Dir., Miami Cancer Institute

  • Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. – President & CEO, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation & Host, Healthy Minds

  • Patricia Ares- Romero, M.D. FASAM – President & CEO, Ares & Associates Consulting & Board Member, NAMI Miami-Dade County

  • James Carroll – Former Director, National Drug Control Policy

  • Roneet Lev, MD, FACEP – Former Chief Medical Officer, White House National Drug Control Policy

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