Types of Eating Disorders with Dr. Molly McShane - Health Channel


Types of Eating Disorders with Dr. Molly McShane |

Types of Eating Disorders with Dr. Molly McShane, Health Channel

Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are the main types of eating disorders. Dr. Molly McShane, Psychiatrist and Medical Director for Monte Nido and Affiliates, says anorexia nervosa consists of people becoming very low weight and having an intense drive for thinness. They fear foods of gaining weight.

She also explains with bulimia, people might manipulate their weight through purging, vomiting and laxative abuse. She points out that purging can include restricting or over exercising. Regarding binge eating, she highlights that most people starving throughout the day may develop a binge episode, where they eat in large quantities beyond what the body needs.


Types of Eating Disorders with Dr. Molly McShane, Health Channel

So we’re dealing with three main types of eating disorders anorexia bulimia and binge eating disorder dr. let’s look at them now one at a time because the the words get thrown around so easy and I really do believe that many people do not know the differences or they think they’re all the same in many ways let’s look at them one at a time anorexia is signs and symptoms so anorexia nervosa is probably the one that people know the most where people become very low weight have an intense drive for thinness and fear foods and fear gaining weight it’s it’s a problem because people are often reassured or complimented when they start losing weight and that then causes the eating disorder to be fueled even more and then people really get into starvation mode and that’s where we sometimes see them at my Center where they come in and actually need residential care so they’re not able to even feed themselves to get enough calories to nourish their their key organs which is really very pushed by today’s culture which we’ll talk about again we mentioned again bulimia signs and symptoms differences now to correct so bulimia also there’s a fixation on the body image but people might manipulate their weight through purging through vomiting through laxative abuse purging can also include restricting or over exercising which is what we also see in the anorexia and then along with the purging that occurs in bulimia we see binge eating so you can imagine most people starving throughout the day restricting throughout the day then may develop a binge episode where they’re eating in large quantities beyond what their body needs or what their body feels hungry for binge eating signs and symptoms binge eating disorder is actually the most common eating disorder and it’s finally now getting recognized it was just recently added to our list of diagnoses since 2013 so it’s one that we’re starting to see more and more of it involves binge eating as I mentioned with bulimia but without the compensatory behaviors lose the weight so there’s still big focus on the body but someone might engage in in binge eating and that’s related to the underlying psychological problems there’s often depression history of trauma and using the food to cope to manage those feelings you


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