Uses of Sweeteners - Health Channel


Uses of Sweeteners |

Uses of Sweeteners, Health Channel

One packet of artificial sweetener is about 600 times sweeter to the taste than regular sugar, explains Natalie Castro, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida.

She says it is good to reduce the amount of artificial sweeteners, because it can cause more cravings.

On the other hand, she affirms sweeteners are very expensive.


Uses of Sweeteners, Health Channel

Artificial sweetener how do you feel about that Natalie? So my thing on sweetener what ends up happening so you’re not getting the sugar grams but what happens to our taste buds our taste buds are very very sensitive so one little packet of artificial sweetener is about 600 times sweeter to our taste buds than regular sugar so that means that our brain thinks it needs that much sugar so every time I have unsweetened tea and I’m used to drinking an artificially sweetened tea I’m not gonna like it or I’m the plain water is not gonna have any taste to me so what’s gonna happen I want sugar I want something that’s gonna enhance those taste buds and then that also has shown to increase cravings later on so the idea is to reduce the amount of artificial sweeteners that we’re using so that we can retrain our teeth but not to need so much sweetness. Yeah I mean the homerun is again this this meal will cost you about 50 plus every week 50 something dollars and that one over there the home one is about ten dollars a week if you do the math Wow you’re saving a lot of money that’s a $40 saving time for is $160 a month that could be what you need for the rent or what you need for the electric bill. Exactly and then that’s what happens it’s all about a matter of perspective of how we’re spending that money and where we’re spending it because if we’re saying that yeah we have this money allotted for our lunch what are those choices and are you making the healthiest choice.

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